Museums and Exhibitions

Imagine The Guggenheim Museum, in Balboa, Spain.

The museum has lots of visitors, including tourists. Traditionally, they are offered different headsets with an audio guide in other languages. This limits visitors to the number of headsets available. Still, if you point people to a QR code, you can direct them to museum guides in multiple formats, audio, video, and text, supporting various languages. This content can also be made accessible to people with special needs.

QR codes also reduce the dependency on physical equipment (headsets, mics, recordings, storage, and much more), downtime and maintenance of such equipment, which leads to less pressure on resources and enhances an overall visitor's experience.

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Unitag’s Analytics can ensure the data collection from the QR codes is presented so museum management can better manage visitors' engagement within the premises...

All Unitag bundles include Analytics for QR code campaigns.

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